
China GBT Structure Steel 35Mn,及该型号钢材的基本信息、化学元素成分、机械性能、力学性能、热处理温度、同等型号参照表等。


China GBT Structure Steel 35Mn,及该型号钢材的基本信息、化学元素成分、机械性能、力学性能、热处理温度、同等型号参照表等。

分类 种类 型号 标准 国家 应用
Steel Grades 35Mn GBT China China structural steel and alloy steel
化学成分信息(mass fraction)(wt.%) of the 35Mn
元素名称 含量比例值
C 0.32-0.39
Si 0.17-0.37
Mn 0.70-1.00
P 0.035
S 0.035
Cr 0.25
Ni 0.3
屈服强度Rp0.2(MPa) 抗拉强度Rm(MPa) 冲击率 伸长率 断面收缩率 热处理状态 布氏硬度(HBW)
755 (≥) 728 (≥) 41 32 31 Solution and Aging, Annealing, Ausaging, Q+T,etc 442
温度 弹性模量 系数 热导率 比热容量 比电阻率 密度 加权系数
33 - -     0.43 -  
919 689 - 14.3 312   -  
335 - 13 33.2   142 213
Heat treated : 1578°C - 1742°C
型号 标准 国家 应用
CK-35MN ASTM USA Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application
35Mn14 STAS/SR Romania Structural steel
35Mn16 STAS/SR Romania Structural steel
35MnSi13 STAS/SR Romania Alloy structural steel
35MnSi13X STAS/SR Romania Alloy structural steel
35MnSi13XS STAS/SR Romania Alloy structural steel
35Mn GBT China China structural steel and alloy steel
YF35MnV GBT China China structural steel and alloy steel
F35MnVN GBT China China structural steel and alloy steel
35Mn2 GBT China China structural steel and alloy steel
ML35Mn GBT China China structural steel and alloy steel
ML35MnB GBT China China structural steel and alloy steel
ZG35Mn(ZG35SiMn) GBT China Large castings with low alloy cast steel
CK-35MN ASTM USA Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application
CK-35MN ASTM USA Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application
标签: 35Mn、35Mn钢材、35Mn材料